Why paying for help from a Professional Organiser could be a game-changer
Are you frustrated by the unfinished tasks around you? Do you feel bad about the state of your home/ office but still struggle to get started? Do you find it hard asking for help?
Doing it without paying for help
When I first set up my business in 2014 I made my own website. That sounds more impressive than it was. A blogger friend gave me good advice, and my long-suffering husband helped me with the techie stuff I hate. But it was definitely homemade; with a template I had randomly chosen from the millions out there. I used a lovely leaf image by my photographer friend Caro (most of the pics on this website are hers), but somehow the website never really worked for me. It just looked homemade…
This was all part of a bigger problem. I found it difficult spending money on my business and paying for help. I felt like I ought to be able to do it myself. After all if I had made it in the first place, surely I could make it better…
(Note: As a recovering perfectionist I am so glad I didn’t wait to start my business until I was ready to invest the money on a proper website/ business cards etc- I would never have started!)
Finally paying for help
Slowly I began to value my time and to see that spending hours on this website stuff was not playing to my strengths. So I started paying for help from experts.
- A graphic designer kindly made a logo for me.
- Another graphic designer designed a new business card & postcard.
- Finally I paid a web designer Pete Sandeman to build me a website!
And six weeks later here we are on my brand new site (have an explore and let me know what you think?)
So here’s the thing- the work I do is a bit like Fitness Training. We all think we should exercise, but we don’t get around to investing the time or money in our health. When you book a Professional Organiser, you are saying “this really matters. This really makes a difference to my quality of life and those around me. I’m prepared to invest in making my home work better and learn how to be more organised. I want to make better decisions about my stuff”.
Yes, you might be able to do it by yourself, but it is much more difficult working on your own. I do this all the time, so I have loads of tricks up my sleeve to make your home less cluttered and your life run more smoothly.
You have things you’re good at and enjoy doing, and stuff you keep on putting off. And that’s where I come in because that’s MY thing- making that stuff happen. Isn’t it time you consider paying for help?