ADHD Resources – Books
Personal Kanban
by Jim Benson & Tonianne DeMaria Barry
“Mapping Work, Navigating Life”
He shows how to use the well-respected Kanban system to help you prioritise and review more effectively. Kanban is an improvement on standard ‘To Do’ lists for many with ADHD.
How to be a Productivity Ninja
by Graham Alcott
“Worry Less, Achieve More and Love What You Do”
Graham has produced a series of resources on email management and working more effectively.
Not specifically directed at ADHD but I often use his principles with clients. If you are office-based his work may be especially helpful.
How to Keep House While Drowning
by KC Davies
“A gentle approach to cleaning and organising”
The author has ADHD, so knows why people struggle to do housework, and gives practical strategies to overcome those issues. (Losing control of your laundry is NOT a moral failing)
Just a thought
by Amy Johnson
“A No-Willpower Approach to Overcome Self-Doubt and Make Peace with Your Mind”
In easy-to-digest, brief chapters, Amy explains how our mind works and how we can change the way we manage emotions, anxiety, fear, and self-judgment.
by James Wallman
“Living More with Less”
James explores the problem of ‘stuffocation’ and some possible solutions such as Minimalism. (Spoiler alert- Minimalism isn’t the answer to our problems…)
New Order
by Fay Wolf
“A Decluttering Handbook for Creative Folk”
A book on how to get more organised. I’m not a big fan of books on organising – often too complicated. This is the only book I recommend to clients (it’s the more sweary – version of the book I haven’t written yet!)
Atomic Habits
by James Clear
I find James’ writing really ADHD-friendly – start by reading his online articles to see if he suits you.
James has a free newsletter with helpful thoughts on motivation and building habits (he’s a weight-trainer) and has recently published this book.
Understanding Hoarding
by Jo Cooke
Jo is a colleague who works with people with Hoarding Disorder (HD). This is a great resource for anyone who is impacted by HD in some way.
NB: having an overfull home doesn’t always mean you have HD.
by Greg McKeown
“The Disciplined Pursuit of Less”
The less you have to deal with, the easier life gets? It seems obvious, but people with ADHD find it challenging to turn down opportunities or stuff. This book might inspire you to live a simpler life.
Better than Before
by Gretchen Rubin
Gretchen writes on a range of topics around well-being and habits. This book explores our motivation and how we build better habits.
Very different in style to James Clear, with some really good content.